понеделник, 6 декември 2010 г.

Do you manage your time well?

In order to achieve any success in online business you should be able to manage your time well. Losing time checking stats, participating in useless forums and reading low quality blogs is a common reason for not succeeding in business.

Learning proper time management is not an easy task but can be well worth the time invested in it.

There are few important aspects of time management:

- Prioritization of your time
- Setting goals
- Using time management tools and software
- Understanding time management charts

While it may sound a bit complicated at first, it isn't that much. I found a nice site about time management which does a good job explaining most of the complex concepts.

Do you also suffer from lack of time to work on most of your projects? The reason can very well be lack of proper time management. You should really put an effort to get educated on the topic.

вторник, 14 септември 2010 г.

Get automated links

Great software to get automated submissions to social networks - try it here

вторник, 12 януари 2010 г.

Consulting Business Online?

Looks like everyone is doing consulting business online. That's OK. But what happens when you start searching for something? All you can see everywhere is "We are a great team of xxxxxx professionals", "I'm certificated expert of xxxxx", "We are the best...". No good work samples, not enough textual proof of the provider knowledge (articles), no easy contact information neither an easy way to get in touch and book your consulting.

If you are trying to sell consulting online, such approach is basically dead. You need something much better to attract the users and turn them into paying customers. Here are few must-dos when starting a consulting business online:

1. Demonstrate your expertise, don't talk about it. Saying "I'm a great expert on XYZ" is pointless. No one cares what you say, people want to see you are a great expert. You can demonstrate your expertise by providing free content - articles, images, software or whatever can show you are the expert. One of the best strategies is to start a blog on the topic you work in.

2. Allow people to contact you in convenient way. List emails, phones, instant messengers, use event calendar software to show your availability, allow users to book online, accept different payment methods.

3. Offer different levels of services and products. At the lowest level you can build an e-book and sell it for $19.90 for example. The book should be good but basic - leaving people to do the things themselves. On the upper level you can build a membership site with limited members (say up to 100 people), offer them articles, conferences, members only forum etc. And at the top level, for highest prices only do the one-to-one consulting. This way you are not only going to make more money but will also raise the perception of the value of your service.

Have you tried any of these strategies in your consulting business? If not, maybe it's the time to start using them - from today.

понеделник, 14 декември 2009 г.

The best method to sell online

I know you have read seen hundreds of pages that promise you magical methods to sell online. This post isn't anything like that. I'll not offer you any magical method. I just want to talk about the most important thing about selling online.

It's not about driving the most traffic or offering the lowest possible prices. It's about keeping in touch with these visitors that came to it.

One of the most efficient methods to do that is to obtain their email addresses and save them in a database. Later you can mail them with useful advice, tips, tutorials and of course - promotional offers for your products or services. Technically you can achieve this by subscribing to a free newsletter service like FeedBlitz (quite a poor service!), using a paid one like GetResponse (cool but expensive) or installing your own email newsletter software - usually based on PHP (affordable and cool, but requires some basic knowledge for installing scripts).

Another good method to keep in touch with your visitors and turn them from one-time passing through visitors to customers and fans is to get them subscribe to RSS feed. RSS has some great advantage over email - it's a thing that resides on your host and you don't need a service like the ones above and the delivery rate is 100% (unlike email where some emails always get lost or blocked as spam). Many CMS or other popular systems provide RSS out of the box - for example if you have Blogger or Wordpress blog you don't need to do anything - your RSS is automatically created. In some other cases you may need to do some programming work to create them.

Finally, another cool method to improve your customer relations is to get your visitors follow you on Twitter, become friends with you on Facebook or other social networks. This way you can gain a lot more from each of your customers.

In the near future I'm going to post some good tips about methods to get more users subscribing through any of these channels.

сряда, 3 септември 2008 г.

One Of The Quickest Ways To Make Money Online

Are you pissed off by reading recipes to make money online that don't work? Are you tired of reading how you should write loads of content, put adsense or affiliate ads and hope for big profits?

You are not alone. Making money online is not as easy as most people think. The bigger problem in that is that most people try to do the same that everyone else also does.

This is a big mistake.

The only real way to make good money from home is to try with something that is not so common. You need either to create some unique prouct or service or at least try alternative and less common methods for making money on the internet.

I want to introducce you today one such opportunity. It's called drop ship wholesale business. What is it like?

In short, drop shipping means you sell products through a website, but you don't worry about keeping them in stock and shipping. And yes, I mean real world products that you can feel and touch - not e-books and similar crap.

Maybe 90% of the ecommerce stores you see online are using the drop ship model. They don't produce products and they don't even touch them themselves. All such e-shops do is to collect the money and shipping details from the customer and then to send the order to the merchant, who executes and ships the products. The end customer doesn't even need to know who is the real supplier - finally all they care about is receiving a quality product. And the merchants who produce or trade the goods are more than happy to get the extra customers that the e-commerce stores give them. It's a win-win situation for everyone.

Is it easy? Not as easy as it sounds. Are there tips and tricks? Sure, there are. You can learn more on this How to drop ship site.